Simeon Eseimokumoh Internship Experience with Links Microfinance Bank

Simeon Eseimokumoh

Simeon Eseimokumoh would like to express my gratitude for the incredible experience I have had during my service year with DLM. Working with Links MFB (Sofri) has provided me with invaluable insights into the financial sector, and I have come to appreciate the challenges and complexities of this industry.

What has made this journey truly remarkable is the DLM family. Throughout my tenure, they have been a constant source of support and encouragement. Whenever I found myself overwhelmed by the demands of the job, there was always someone ready to offer assistance, whether through personal guidance or the simple act of ensuring I reached my destination safely.

In reflection, I feel immensely blessed to have been a part of the DLM family. Given the opportunity, I would wholeheartedly embrace the chance to continue working with this organization. My service year with DLM was only my second experience in a professional setting, and I must admit that there is much I still have to learn. To claim otherwise would be presumptuous.

My journey to Lagos was initially uncertain, with no place to stay and no clear employment prospects. However, it became evident that fate had a different plan in store for me. I secured this job during my orientation camp, even before receiving my PPA letter from NYSC. It is a testament to the belief that with faith, all things are possible.

In closing, I consider myself a living testimony of what DLM can offer, and I remain committed to the organization’s mission. I am confident that, with the grace of God, I can continue contributing to the growth and success of DLM.

Thank you for the opportunity to serve, learn, and grow during my service year with DLM.